*Subsidy of ¥37,000/Month to Hon-Atsugi Branch Parents      *Subsidy of ¥20,000/Month to Sagami-Ono Branch Parents     *Referral Amount of ¥40,000/Student.                           Grade 1 ,   Grade 2 ,   Grade 3   in Hon-Atsugi Branch School.

Enroll your child until June 30, 2024, and get a 50% waiver on Monthly Fees and a 100% waiver on Registration Fees.              

Language :

  • 1.Advanced Phonics Building
  • 2.Three letters,four-letter sentence reading and writing
  • 3.Further vocabulary building.
  • 4.Simple sentences building.
  • 5.Simple story reading.

Numeracy :

  • 1.Identification and recognition of numbers(1-100)
  • 2.Addition ,Subtraction,Multiplication
  • 3.Biggest and smallest numbers
  • 4.Ascending and descending order
  • 5.Place value, number names



English a. Revision Sequence (Aa–Zz) with phonic sounds.
b. Cursive a,b,c,d,e,f,g
c. Phonics Practice
RHYMES a. How I eat.
b. This is my head.
c. Five little ducks
Math Numbers (1-10)
Count and write
Count and Paste Activity
Number Practice: 1-100
Hindi स्वर वर्णमाला का अभ्यास (अ - अ:) (मौखिक तथा लिखित कार्य )
व्यंजन – (क - ड.)
कविता - एक-एक यदि पेड़ लगाओ
बच्चे ‘अ’ अक्षर के अनेक चित्र चिपकाएंगे
‘अ’ मात्रा का अभ्यास
Japanese Introduction of Japanese Alphabets
Rhyme: Kagome, Kagomeの歌
Art & Craft Concept of ‘DOT’ because art begins with a Motor skills activity:
1) Join the dots
2) Bindi sticking
3) My Body My Self My Family
4) Monthly Event: Safety Rules & Emergency Drilling


English Cursive h,i,j,k,l,m,n with phonic sound.
Phonics Practice
Opposites (Oral)
RHYMES The yellow sunflower.
Thank you, God.
A-Tisket, A-Tasket
Math Shapes
Numbers (11-20).
Counting Practice 1-100
Activity on Shapes and counting numbers
Hindi व्यंजन – (च - ट) (मौखिक तथा लिखित कार्य )
व्यंजन – (क - ड.)
‘आ’ मात्रा का अभ्यास
कविता - मेरी बिल्ली काली-पीली
बच्चे ‘आ’ अक्षर के अनेक चित्र चिपकाएंगे
Japanese Practice of Fruit names andあtoお,アtoオ, 
Art & Craft Concept of ‘LINE’.
Study of different lines e.g.; horizontal line, vertical line, slanting line, zigzag line, dotted line and etc.
Motor skills activity:
1) Join the lines
2)Tooth pick activity
3) Mother’s Day Craft.
4) Monthly Event: Rhyme Contest


English Cursive o,p,q,r,s,t,u with phonic sound.
Action words (Oral)
Two letter words
Short vowel words
RHYMES The elephant
The peapod.
Little Miss Muffet
Math After, Before, Reverse, and Between Numbers
Activity on After, Before, Reverse, and Between Numbers
Numbers (21-30).
Hindi व्यंजन – (ट - ण) (मौखिक तथा लिखित कार्य )
फलों के नाम (मौखिक)
‘इ’ मात्रा का अभ्यास
कविता - तोता राजा बड़ा सयाना
बच्चे ‘इ, ट - ण’ अक्षर के अनेक चित्र चिपकाएंगे
Japanese Practice of vegetables names and か to こ,カtoコ,
Art & Craft Concept of ‘SHAPE’ .
All basic shapes like Circle, Square, Triangle, Rectangle, Oval, etc.
1) Motor skills activity: Filling of color, Primary colors: draw Apple. Banana and Ball
2) Father’s Day Craft.
3) Monthly Event: Best Out of Waste Contest


English Two letter words.
Short vowel words.
RHYMES Incy-Wincy Spider.
The king of the jungle.
The wheels on the bus go round and round
Math Greater Than, Smaller Than and Equal to Numbers.
Activity on Greater Than, Smaller Than and Equal to Numbers.
Numbers (31-40)
Hindi व्यंजन ( त - न) ( मौखिक तथा लिखित कार्य )
सब्जियों के नाम ((मौखिक)
अक्षर : ई ( मौखिक तथा लिखित कार्य )
‘ई ‘मात्रा का अभ्यास
कविता : चल मेरे घोड़े टिक-टिक, आई आई गर्मी आई
बच्चे ‘ई, त - न’ अक्षर के अनेक चित्र चिपकाएंगे
Japanese Practice of body parts names andさtoそ,サtoソ,
Rhyme : Sasa no ha sara saraの歌
Art & Craft Arranging and over lapping of the basic shapes to create a design and forms of things and objects like tree, flower, house, apple etc .
Motor skills activity:
1) Paper folding house
2) Paper folding boat.
3) Monthly Event: Greeting Card Contest


English Three letter words.
Long vowel words
RHYMES 1. The froggy.
2. 12345 Once I caught a fish alive
3. Oh,rainbow,oh,rainbow.
Math Increasing and Decreasing Order Numbers
Activity on Increasing and Decreasing Order Numbers
Numbers (41-50).
Hindi व्यंजन ( प - म) ( मौखिक तथा लिखित कार्य )
रंगो के नाम (मौखिक)
अक्षर : उ ( मौखिक तथा लिखित कार्य )
‘उ ‘मात्रा का अभ्यास
कविता : गिनती
बच्चे ‘उ, प - म’ अक्षर के अनेक चित्र चिपकाएंगे
Japanese Practice of Greeting words and たtoと,タtoト,
Art & Craft Draw easy forms of birds and color it.
Motor skills activity:
1) Hand prints butterfly.
2) Monthly Event: Show & Tell Contest


English Four letter words.
Practice of Consonants blends fr,gl,gr,pl,pr,sc,sh.
Reading and Writing Practice of “Colors Name”
RHYMES a. Two little black birds.
b. I am a little teapot.
c. Early to bed.
Math Number names 1-30
Odd and Even Numbers
Activity on Odd and Even Numbers
Numbers (51-60).
Hindi व्यंजन ( य - श) ( मौखिक तथा लिखित कार्य )
जानवरों के नाम (मौखिक)
ऊ ( मौखिक तथा लिखित कार्य
‘ऊ ‘मात्रा ‘ का अभ्यास
कविता - गुच्छे में अंगूर हैं आते
बच्चे ‘ऊ य - श’ अक्षर के अनेक चित्र चिपकाएंगे
Japanese Practice of general words andなtoの,ナtoノ、
だるまさん と うみ と
Art & Craft Study of fruits and vegetables draw and color them.
Motor skills activity:
1) Fruit day
2) Vegetable day.
3) Introduction of Myself.
4) Monthly Event: Fancy Dress Contest


English Four letter words.
Practice of Consonants blends sk,sl,sm,sn,sp,st,sw.
Practice of Beginning Sound and related words.
Reading and Writing Practice of “Colors Name”
RHYMES a. Acorn Song.
b. Open shut them.
c. Skeleton Dance Song.
Math Number names 31-50
Addition (Using Line Method, Regrouping, Without Regrouping,
Addition up to 100, Addition using board, Addition on fingers)
Activity on Addition
Numbers (61-70).
Hindi व्यंजन ( ष- ज्ञ) मौखिक तथा लिखित कार्य )
दिनों के नाम (मौखिक)
‘ए ‘ मौखिक तथा लिखित कार्य
‘ए ‘ मात्रा का अभ्यास ( मौखिक तथा लिखित कार्य )
कविता : चिड़िया रानी,तितली
बच्चे ‘ए ष- ज्ञ’ अक्षर के अनेक चित्र चिपकाएंगे
Japanese Practice of color names andはtoほ, ハとホ
どんぐりころころ の歌
Art & Craft Study of birds: draw and color them.
Motor skills activity:
1) Halloween Craft.
2) Body Parts Activity
3) Yearly Event :Halloween Event
4) Monthly Event: General Knowledge Contest


English Practice of Sight words.
Practice of Consonants blends bl,br,ch,cl,cr,dr,fl.
Practice of Middle Sound and related words.
Reading and Writing Practice of “Days of the Week” name.
RHYMES a.Under the spreading chestnut tree .
b.Diddle.diddle,dumpling my son John.
Math Number name 51-70.
Subtraction (Using Line Method, Regrouping, Without Regrouping,
Subtraction up to 100, Subtraction on fingers).
Activity on Subtraction.
Numbers (71-80).
Hindi ‘ऐ ‘मात्रा का अभ्यास ( मौखिक तथा लिखित कार्य )
दो और तीन अक्षरों का जोड़
अक्षर : ऐ ( मौखिक तथा लिखित कार्य )
कविता : चलो चलें हम चिड़ियाघर डॉक्टर भालू
बच्चे ‘ऐ ‘अक्षर के अनेक चित्र चिपकाएंगे
Japanese Practice of food names andや,ゆ,よ,ヤtoヨ、
とんぼのめがね と
Art & Craft 1) Craft related to Sprots Day.
2) Yearly Event: Sports Day
3) Monthly Event: Drawing Contest.


English Practice of sight words.
Practice of Consonants blends th,tr,tw,wh,wr,sch,scr .
Practice of Ending Sound and related words.
Reading and Writing Practice of “Days of the Week” name.
Reading Comprehension.
Story Reading Practice.
RHYMES a. Chubby Cheeks
b. Baa Baa Black Sheep
Math Number names 71-80.
Place Value Numbers.
Activity on Place Value Numbers.
Hindi ‘ ओ ’ मात्रा का अभ्यास ( मौखिक तथा लिखित कार्य )
दो और तीन अक्षरों का जोड़
कविता -एक, दो, कभी न रो, चंदा मामा
बच्चे ‘ओ ‘अक्षर के अनेक चित्र चिपकाएंगे
Japanese Practice of shape names andまtoも,マtoモ,
きら、きらひかる と 
おおきなくりのきのしたで の 歌
Buying and Selling the things activity.
Art & Craft 1) Monthly Event: Skit Performance OR
2) Puppet Show OR
3) Science Fair
4) Pine Tree Craft


English Practice of two-three letter words.
Practice of Sight Words.
Practice of Consonants blends sk,sl,sm,sn,sp,st,sw.
Reading and Writing Practice of “Month of the Year” name.
Story Reading Practice.
Reading Comprehension.
RHYMES a. Are you sleeping?
b. Humpty Dumpty
Math Number names 81-90
Multiplication, Skip Counting
Activity on Multiplication, Skip Counting
Hindi ‘औ ‘मात्रा का अभ्यास ( मौखिक तथा लिखित कार्य )
अक्षर : औ ( मौखिक तथा लिखित कार्य )
दो और तीन अक्षरों का जोड़,
कविता : मछली जल की रानी, अक्कड़ बक्कड़ बम्बे बो.
बच्चे ‘औ ‘ अक्षर के अनेक चित्र चिपकाएंगे
Japanese Practice of household things name andらtoろ,ラtoロ、
むすんでひらいて と
たこたこあがれ の 歌と
Goo choki pa deの 歌
Art & Craft 1) Republic Day Craft
2) New Year Craft
3) Monthly Event: Story Telling Contest


English Practice of four-letter words & sight words.
Practice of Consonants blends shr,sph,spl,spr,spu,str,thr .
Reading and Writing Practice of “Month of the Year” name.
Reading Comprehension.
Story Reading Practice.
RHYMES a. Hickory Dickory, Dock,
b. Hot Cross Buns
c. Valentine Day Story
Math Number names 91-100
Time, Money, Data Handling and Clock
Activity on Time, Money, Data Handling and Clock
Hindi ऋ ,अं मात्रा का अभ्यास ( मौखिक तथा लिखित कार्य )
दो और तीन अक्षरों के जोड़ का अभ्यास ( मौखिक तथा लिखित कार्य )
कविता : हाथी राजा कहाँ चले?,बिल्ली बोली म्याऊं म्याऊं
‘ ऋ ,अं ‘अक्षर के अनेक चित्र चिपकाएंगे
Japanese Practice of speaking simple words andわ,を,ん,ワtoン,
ぞうさん と
Art & Craft 1) Mame Maki Craft
2) Valentine Day Craft
3) Monthly Event: Spelling Bee Contest


English Review of all.
Activity based on all topics
RHYMES a. a chubby little snowman.
b. three little kittens.
c. Row row row your boat.
Math Review of all.
Activity based on all topics
Hindi दो और तीन अक्षरों के जोड़ का अभ्यास (मौखक तथा लिखित कार्य ),
कविता : बच्चों खाओ कच्ची गाजर, लाला जी की टोपी गोल
Japanese Practice of Hiragana-Katakana Alphabets, Practice of speaking simple words and
Haru ga kitaの歌
Art & Craft 1) Year End Party
2) Graduation Day related craft
3) Yearly Event: Graduation Day
4) Monthly Event: Story Reading Contest